Monday, April 12, 2010

Just some random updates...

So, I've promised that I will be posting lots of tutorials and making all those requested videos and I've recently failed at doing so. I'm really sorry to those that have been waiting.  So many crazy things have been going on in my life and basically I've been extremely stressed out these last few days. My skin definitely shows it. I've been breaking out like no other. I've been able to control two big pimples with some handy dandy acne controlling products, but last night, a new one formed again. It's a never ending battle! o_O

I had a little time to spare yesterday before a concert so I took some random pics of myself. LOL. The Koreans would call it "selca" as in "self cam" pics. xD
LOL. This was a random post, but just felt like I needed to update you all on what's going on.
Also, I need to keep this blog going for sure. xoxo

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