Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Choosing the Perfect Colors for Warm or Cool Toned Skin

Choosing the perfect colors for makeup and clothing to complement our skin is very difficult.
What's best to know is if you are cool or warm toned.
In order to figure out if you are cool or warm toned, check the colors of your veins on your wrist or under your arm. If they are bluish, then you are cool toned. It they are greenish, you are warm toned.

Here is a chart of some colors that look best with cool or warm tones:

Choosing the right colors can often help our complexion look brighter and our eyes can look awake. The wrong colors can make our skin look dull and can make us look tired.

Here is a chart of some skin colors that usually fit in either the cold tone or warm tone categories:

When choosing foundation, cool tones should choose more pink-based colors and warm tones should choose more yellow-based colors.
If you feel that you are balanced between cool or warm tones, choose neutral colors. If you don't know if you're cool or warm toned, then I would go for cool tone colors because that's more common and a safer bet.

When choosing clothing, pure white looks great for cool tones and ivory looks best with warm tones. Black looks really good on cool tones and blacks can make warm tones look washed out when it's close to the face. Of course there are ways for cool tones to pull off warm tone colors and the other way around is true too. :)

I hope this was helpful!
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