Sunday, April 18, 2010

Currently Watching: Personal Taste 개인의 취향 (Korean Drama)

At first, I didn't want to start watching Personal Taste. Since it's a comedy, I felt like I was a little tired of comedies, believe it or not. LOL. I love comedies, but I wanted to watch something a little more mellow and sad. Personal Taste airs at the same time as Cinderella's Sister so the competition between those two is pretty intense. I wanted to be loyal only to Cinderella's Sister, but I was actually sucked into watching Personal Taste since many of my friends recommended it. Highly recommended it.. to be exact!
What can I say now? I am loving this drama! Kind of getting slightly obsessed with it as much as Cinderella's Sister. The storyline is too cute. It's about Gae In who's a funny girl, but very innocent and pretty much gets used by many people. She gets betrayed by her boyfriend and best friend, but she's too nice to really do much about it. Then comes Jin Ho who Gae In misunderstands as being gay and she feels comfortable around him like he is her best friend.  The relationship between these two seems to blossom every moment they're together. Oh, I think I forgot... Jin Ho goes along with this misunderstanding since he needs an excuse to live at Gae In's place. The details, I don't want to spoil, but it's really funny!
I think I've laughed from beginning to the sixth episode so far! So hilarious!!!! xD


  1. i wanted to watch this drama after my currently ones will be finished^^, thank you for saying your impression about this drama :)
    in addition thank you for the giveaway you've just organized, i've joined it :) and keep up your great tutorials, love them :)

  2. this looks like a cute drama! ever since i watched Boys Over Flowers i haven't found anything else that i like as much as it haha but i think i'll check this out :D xx

  3. @Anita
    If you liked Boys Over Flowers, then you will like Personal Taste. This might sound crazy, but I like Personal Taste better than Boys Over Flowers! ^o^

  4. @audrey
    You should definitely watch Personal Taste! I always feel so happy when I watch it. Thanks for entering my giveaway and being so supportive! <3

  5. if you like ( i mean really like ) Lee Min Ho, this is a must see drama. If he is handsome in BOF, he is sooo HOT here.
